Campaign Update Keep an eye on the Campaign Gauge and watch the giving thermometer continue its rise to our campaign goal of $2.4 million. As of the weekend of August 25 & 26, we had just tipped over the half-way point! Thank you to our first 135 families and individuals who have offered us encouragement to reach our goal, but even more so, help St. Hubert address specific needs.
Heading to the 2020’s: Maintaining our Investment As a parish family we look to the future and the importance of continuing to care for our campus as we do our own homes. Through much study and prayer, our parish leadership created a plan to maintain and preserve all that we’ve built, renovated, and invested in over the years.
Reaching the campaign goal will help us keep our buildings efficient, up to code, and functional. They will help us keep our school current with technology and allow us to support the larger Church through our participation in the Archdiocese of Chicago To Teach Who Christ Is campaign, which supports the desire for Catholic Education in Cook and Lake Counties.
A Look at the Campaign: Each week we will feature one specific area our campaign seeks to address. Here is the first of four main areas:
Improving our School Building: Install a Fire Prevention Sprinkler System / New Energy Efficient Lighting The Village of Hoffman Estates has directed that we install a fire prevention sprinkler system in our school building to comply with its ordinance. While the school itself is already exceptionally safe, this mandate will allow us to meet the building code required of all Village school buildings and will make our campus that much safer for everyone, including firefighters. Along with the continued safety enhancements, this project will also allow us to install new light fixtures to improve the facility. The lighting in the primary school is original to its construction in 1961.
As Fr. Mike says, “The building is really an asset to our campus. We use it not just for our school, but for our Religious Education Program, our GIFT Program for the spiritual formation of our special needs community, our Scouting programs and for different parish gatherings throughout the year. Plus, like this past summer, we’ve developed some new summer programs—from educational to spiritual to recreational. It really is a place where we not only teach the faith, but gather people together.”
“Bells Are Ringing!” Volunteers are reaching out through telephone calls to parish families who have yet to make a decision to support our campaign. Our volunteers are people sitting in the pews with us who care about our community and want to help. Please welcome their calls and say hello. They are there to help answer questions and to lead you through the process. They will respect any decision you make.
They are also available to take any requests for prayer, or to connect you with a program or ministry that serves all of us should you need it. If you are ready to make a pledge, but haven’t connected with one of our volunteers, please feel free to give us a ring instead. Please contact our campaign office at
847-885-7700, ext. 112.
A Heartfelt Thank You To all of you who already pledged, or are in the process of considering a pledge, thank you! We have the vision to accomplish what’s ahead. We do it for our community, the parish where we belong and find life. As St. Paul said to the community in Philipi: “Your kindness should be known to all.” (Phil 4:5). May God bless St. Hubert Parish.