Catholic Charities New Hope Apartments: A Transitional Housing Program for Homeless Families
October, 2017 Update
Family #28 Our family is a single, African American female with three sons ages 14, 10, 8, two daughters ages 9 and 16, and a newborn granddaughter. This mom was fleeing a domestic violence situation. She currently works as a part-time CNA and is looking for more clients.
Our mom is doing OK. She is now receiving Social Security for her children that she had with her late husband; however, she is appealing the case because one of the children was left off the monthly assistance. She is still on the waiting list for Section 8 housing in Gary, IN due to the increase in household size and the need for an extra bedroom. She has decided, when her lease is over at the end of November, to live with a family member in the Southern Suburbs until her housing in Indiana is ready.
Her children are doing well and they are excited to move back to their old neighborhood to be close to family and friends.
● Save at least 3 to 6 months’ worth of rent.
● Stay compliant with New Hope program for a smooth transition.
● Follow up with Gary, IN Section 8 on a weekly basis.
● Continue to save for move to buy new furniture and pay for movers.
Family #29 Our mom is a single, white female with a three year old son who became homeless due to low income status. She reported that while staying with her child’s father, they were not getting along, and they lived with his parents. They then stayed with friends for about two months before she went into a shelter in November of 2016.
Our mom is doing quite well, and is thinking about moving back to Lake County to be close to her parents for child support. Things are going very well with her son’s father. He has consistently visited over the last 2 months and has been helping financially and supporting her when she is working. They have agreed on how to move forward co-parenting together. The father also took their son on vacation to California. She is currently looking for an apartment in her desired location and continues to grow her savings account.
● Continue to keep mental health stabilized
● Save as much as possible before 10/31/2017.
● Secure affordable housing in Lake County near parents
Both families are very grateful for all the help from the Peace and Justice Cluster parishes and parishioners.