This article is brought to you by the St. Hubert Domestic Violence Outreach Ministry.
Sometimes when elderly people are dependent on family caregivers, potentially abusive caring behaviors are not uncommon and need to be detected early, before the situation deteriorates into elder abuse.
In a survey of family caregivers, more than a third had engaged in potentially harmful behavior toward their elder family member in the previous three months. Harmful behaviors might include insulting, swearing, using a harsh tone of voice, screaming or yelling at the older person, or roughly handling them. These types of behaviors can act as early warning signs to more serious harmful future psychological and physical abusive behaviors. Often, caregivers may not realize their behaviors are potentially harmful to their care recipient.
Elder abuse is a growing problem, affecting at least 1 in 10 older Americans. Abuse does escalate. If we can identify this behavior before it crosses over to criminal behavior, we can prevent it from causing irreparable damage. Caregivers need to obtain tools and support in order to have a positive outlook and avoid possible use of abuse.
Direct assistance in providing care for a loved one, such as respite care relief, as well as positive feedback from others, positive self-talk, yoga, exercise and recreational activities are linked to a healthier and happier caregiver who is better able to cope with the care giving demands. It is well worth taking classes and attending support groups available through caregiver support organizations to help learn or practice effective problem-solving and coping strategies needed for care giving. It also gives the caregiver a chance to communicate with others in the same situations. For the caregiver’s health and the health of those around them, they need to take some time to care for themselves.
If you or someone you know is being abused, please call: Illinois Statewide Domestic Violence Helpline
877 TO END DV (
877-863-6339 TTY.