Sponsored by the Vicariate I Deanery Ministry Commission FORMATION AND TRAINING FOR New Eucharistic Ministers
Presenter: Fr. Scott Hebden
When: Saturday, November 18, 2017
Where: St. Raymond de Penafort
301 S. I-Oka
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
Time: Check in at 8:30 AM
Training from 9:00 AM until noon
Each workshop will include:
The ministry of Eucharist: our baptismal call to ministry
A theology of Eucharist as celebrated in the Roman Catholic tradition
The roots of our ministry in Scripture, the early Church, and on through the Second Vatican Council
Historical aspects of our celebration of Eucharist in practice and devotion
A review of the Liturgy of the Eucharist and how our ministry as EMs ‘fits’ in the larger picture
Questions and Answers
This training meets the Archdiocesan requirements for mandation and remandation.
A follow up session will take place at St. Hubert Parish that will include a practicum on the particular practices for distribution of the Eucharist. After completing the training, contact Fr. Mike at
mscherschel@sainthubert.org or 847-885-7700 x106.