April 19. 7:00—9:00 PM Saint John the Evangelist Church 540 S. Park Blvd., Streamwood, IL Bring your resume for a one-on-one personal evaluation by one of six HR, Search, or Career Counselors who will be on hand to give you their thoughts and suggestions. Bring a friend.
Casual Networking and GURU Night
April 23, 7:00—9:00 PM Saint Hubert Ministry Center Join us for a casual evening of networking and have your questions answered by experts on a variety of employment related subjects. Our GURUs will be circulating in the crowd ready to assist you. Bring plenty of handbills, business cards or resumes.
For questions regarding the St. Hubert Job Ministry events, contact Bob Podgorski at
JOB SEEKER’S EXCHANGE: Whether you are a newcomer to the Saint Hubert Job and Networking Ministry or one of our members, feel free to attend the Job Seeker’s Exchange meeting before the regular general meeting, each 2
nd and 4
th Monday. If you have a job seeking question or would like to listen in on the Q & A others bring to our team members, stop in anytime between 6:00—7:00 PM, 2nd floor of the Ministry Center, Dorothy Day Room. Our team members will be there to facilitate an exchange of career information guaranteed to help your job search.