In the gospel today, a leper comes to Jesus and says a remarkable thing: “If you wish, you can make me clean.” But perhaps even more remarkable is Jesus’ response: “I do will it.” Mark tells us Jesus was moved by the encounter with the man and immediately cured his leprosy.
In the spiritual life, it’s a scene that gives us great hope. When Jesus’ will matches what we’re hoping for in our own life, it leads to fulfillment and happiness. What’s also important is that what we wish for from God isn’t for selfish reasons, but like we hear Paul talk about in the second reading, that we do everything for the greater glory of God. (1 COR 10:31) It’s a spirituality that St. Ignatius lived and his Jesuits still live.
Even though Jesus told the leper not to tell anyone about what happened, the leper couldn’t help himself. He told everyone he could about being cured. The leper’s desire wasn’t an internal desire to promote himself; it was his sincere desire to tell the world about Jesus and God’s great compassion for him. The glory was God’s, not his own.
That’s the difference. When our desire to do God’s will matches His desire for us, deep down we’ll find what we truly need. And it won’t only be ourselves who benefit, but all those we’re so blessed to be with in life. And the glory will be God’s.
2020 Vision: Thank You for Your Input! Thank you to everyone who took the time to look at the visioning plan we’ve been exploring. It’s meant to tackle some needed projects that could take us into the 2020s. And we’re also appreciative for those who offered your input this weekend through the survey.
It was very important to our parish leadership to have as much input as possible in determining where to go from here. Based on the feedback we receive, we’ll be able to make any necessary adjustments and report back to you about what’s next. In case you haven’t had a chance to review the plan we’ve been contemplating, we included it again on pages 6 and 7. You can also access it on our website.
I’m also grateful to everyone who has been praying for our parish so that this process is anchored in Christ, the One who leads us. We need to do everything we do as a parish in the context of prayer so that God’s wisdom will lead us to understanding and clarity…and the insight to know we are working for the good of all of us together.
Lent is on the Way! As you make your way through the bulletin, be sure to see what we’ve planned for Lent. There are a lot of opportunities for spiritual growth and enrichment. Please join us this Wednesday as we mark our foreheads with ashes and prepare for the season. Masses will be at 7:00 am, 8:30 am and 7:30 pm. In addition, a Liturgy of the Word (with the distribution of ashes) will also be offered in the church at noon and again at 4:30 pm.
May God bless you as we enter into a new week, and may we do everything for the greater glory of God!