By the time you read this letter, our Archbishop Cupich will be a Cardinal. I heard that we have about 400 Chicagoans accompanying him to Rome for the Consistory. Please pray for him, knowing that he will have responsibilities on important Church committees at the Vatican, while retaining all his responsibilities in Chicago. Now that he is an international figure in the Church, he will need our prayers more than ever. Congratulations Blase Cardinal Cupich.
At all the Masses this weekend, we will speak on his vision for the Archdiocese called Renew My Church. All parishes will be in groupings to discuss our future. We are grouped with the 3 Schaumburg parishes.
Last fall we had an increased offertory drive which helped our parish financially. Although our attendance has stayed about the same this past year, our collection has increased exponentially to the point where we realized $25,000 for a week. Previously, we had only come close to $22,000. I thank you for your very generous support so that we can continue the many ministries here at St. Hubert.
As a reminder, I suggest 4 points:
● Sign up for Give Central. This is safer and more reliable for us. Check our website or contact Teresa McCutchan, our Business Manager.
● Consider leaving a percentage of your will or trust to St. Hubert Parish.
● Sponsor a child in financial need who attends our school.
● Pray about giving a percentage of your income each week, rather than simply putting in a few extra dollars from your excess.
How we spend our money bespeaks our values. We can stop giving when God stops giving to us.
I thank Janet Cinefro, a parishioner, who informed me that 2 Felician Sisters who taught at our school from 1979-1990 passed away this year. We give thanks for:
~Sr. Joan Marie Kryszak, CSSF, March 7, age 91. She taught 3
rd grade here.
~Sr. M. Gloriette Kawalko CSSF, September 7, age 95. She taught 1
st grade here.
Both were Jubilarians with over 70 years of Religious Life. May they rest in peace.
Please do not forget to attend the Parish meeting with Bishop Rassas and the Priests’ Placement Board on Monday, November 28, at 7:00 p.m. in the lower church to share your ideas of what you would like to see in a new Pastor upon my retirement next year.
There is a new Vatican instruction, To Rise With Christ, on the care of Cremated Remains. The practical implications are listed in the bulletin on page 9.
I hope that each of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and can spend some time with family. I also hope you can join us at the 9:00 Mass on Thanksgiving as we offer thanks to God for all the many blessings He continues to bestow on us.