A parishioner, Patrick Fleming, has offered to repair broken rosaries. There will be drop off receptacles at the ministry station in the narthex, and rosaries can be dropped off there. (The Ministry Station is the large brown cabinet by the main entrance on the South side of the church. There are slots on the left side of the station, and the receptacle for Rosary drop off is marked.) Patrick suggests putting any rosary to be repaired in an envelope with your name and phone number on it for return purposes. When repaired, we will call you to let you know you can pick it up.
Please donate any unused, broken rosaries so that their parts can be used to repair member’s rosaries.
In addition to repairing rosaries, Patrick makes rosaries for the missions, and he also accepts any rosaries people wish to donate. Those can also be dropped off in the narthex in the receptacle marked “Rosaries."