More than other times of year, during Lent we seek to increase our prayer life and spend quiet time with God. Our help to you is the Little Black Book, one for each household or parishioner as supply lasts. This pocket-sized book is your companion for spending
6 minutes each day walking through the daily Scripture with reflections based on the writings of Bishop Untener, and published by the diocese of Saginaw. One side offers a small bit of teaching—things many of us do not know of our Catholic teachings and legends. Bishop Untener, whose faith and life is reflected in the Little Black Book, is now deceased, but remains an inspiration to us all.
The idea is to find six minutes of quiet time every day. That’s within reach. It has no cover title or illustration so you can use it anywhere without even announcing what you are doing. You are opening yourself up to the Lord.
The Little Black Books are available this weekend, February 25
th & 26
th as you leave Mass, and will be distributed on Ash Wednesday through the 1
st Sunday of Lent.