What Recruiters Like and Detest in Resumes and Cover Letters
May 14, 7:00—9:15 PM
PMC Club Room
Learn about today’s hiring climate and what recruiters are saying about their candidate preferences when it comes to presenting your credentials. This is an opportunity to get a leg up on the competition. Our presenter is Kristen Urhauser Kummerer, Management Consultant and Career Coach.
For questions regarding the St. Hubert Job Ministry events, contact Bob Podgorski at
Whether you are a newcomer to the Saint Hubert Job and Networking Ministry or one of our members, feel free to attend the Job Seeker’s Exchange meeting before the regular general meeting, each 2
nd and 4
th Monday. If you have a job seeking question or would like to listen in on the Q & A others bring to our team members, stop in anytime between 6:00—7:00 PM, 2nd floor of the Ministry Center, Dorothy Day Room. Our team members will be there to facilitate an exchange of career information guaranteed to help your job search.